How To Write a Resume That Gets You Hired [Samples and Templates Included]

Your resume is your first chance to make a good impression on a potential employer, so it’s important to make it count.

In this guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions, valuable insights, and strategies for crafting a resume that resonates with hiring managers.

We also understand that practicality matters, so we’ll offer samples and templates to help you get started. These tools will give you a foundation to build on, so you can create a resume that shines and stands out.

How to Write a Resume in 8 Steps

Learn how to write a resume that gets you hired, with step-by-step instructions;

1. Choose the right resume format

There are 3 main resume formats: chronological, functional, and combination. Each has its strengths, so choose the format that best showcases your skills and experience for the job you’re applying for. 

For a straightforward employment history, the chronological format is effective. If you’re changing careers or have employment gaps, the functional or combination format may be more suitable.

2. Write a strong resume summary or objective

Your resume should open with a compelling summary or objective statement. This is a concise paragraph that outlines your key skills, experience, and career goals. It’s your chance to grab the employer’s attention and make them want to keep reading.

3. Highlight your relevant work experience

In the body of your resume, the work experience section is where you can shine. Add your previous jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. For each job, outline your key responsibilities and highlight your accomplishments. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible. This not only tells the employer what you did but also demonstrates the impact you had in your previous roles.

4. Include your education, certifications and training

Your educational background is an important part of your resume. List your educational institutions, degrees obtained, and any relevant training or certifications. Be sure to include your graduation dates as well.

5. List Your skills and abilities

Employers are interested in your skills. Include both hard skills, which are technical or job-specific, and soft skills, which are interpersonal and relate to how you work with others. Use a skills section to make it easy for employers to identify your qualifications.

6. Proofread carefully

Typos and grammatical errors can make you look unprofessional and may cause employers to question your attention to detail. Proofread your resume thoroughly, and you can use grammar checker tools like Grammarly to help ensure accuracy.

Resume Samples and Templates 

To make your journey easier, here are some professionally designed resume samples and templates for you to use as inspiration. Feel free to download these templates and personalize them according to your needs:

#1. Sample 1 – Entry-Level Resume

Fit for those with 0-3 years of experience

Highlights education, internships, and relevant skills.


entry resume sample

Sample 2 – Creative Resume Template

Suitable for creative fields like design and marketing.

Features a unique layout to showcase your artistic side.


Sample 3 – Technical Resume Template

Geared towards IT and technical professionals.

Showcases technical skills and certifications.


technical resume sample


Incorporating these samples and templates will help you understand how to structure your resume effectively and cater to your unique circumstances. Remember, your resume should evolve as your career does, so don’t hesitate to revise and refine it as you gain new experiences and skills.

Why is a resume so important?

Initial Interaction: Employers usually see your resume first. This is your chance to create a lasting first impression and highlight your skills and qualifications.

Screening Tool: Employers use resumes to filter through numerous applicants. A well-crafted resume can help you pass the initial screening and move to the next stage, which is often an interview.

Customization: Your resume can be tailored to match the specific job you’re applying for. By highlighting relevant skills and experiences, you can demonstrate that you’re a perfect fit for the position.

What Do Employers Look for in a Resume?

Employers typically scan resumes looking for several key elements:

  1. Relevance: They want to see how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements.
  2. Professionalism: A well-organized and error-free document reflects professionalism.
  3. Achievements: Employers are interested in your accomplishments and contributions in previous roles.
  4. Skills: They look for both technical skills and soft skills, as they want to ensure you’re not only qualified but also a good fit for the team.


At Joresume, we’re committed to helping you achieve your professional goals. We offer affordable resume-writing services designed to bring out your best and capture the attention of employers.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for personalized assistance on your resume journey. A well-crafted resume is your stepping stone to success, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.